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Weinan Dadong Printing and Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. Party branch was established in September 2004 with 15 members. Since its establishment, the Company's branch has been carrying out its work in accordance with the six-character principle of "strong party building with strong development". The company showed a "double strong six good" situation of "Good Production and Management, Good Corporate Culture, Good Labor Relations, Good Party Organization, Good Party Members and Good Social Evaluation".

In the long-term practice, the party branch of the company explored and formed the "3569" characteristic party building model. Dedicated to creating a "corporate culture park, personnel training Heights, warm and cohesive world" three platforms for the enterprise development has injected a steady stream of "red power." The Company's administrative management and Party branch committees have fully realized "two-way entry and cross-service". In accordance with the general principle of "nurturing party members into backbone members and backbone members into party members," we have successively nurtured more than 50 excellent Party members and prominent business members who are excellent in quality, skilled and dedicated to serve the Company. 

Adhere to the work mechanism of the party and the masses to jointly build a "five must visit" system. Party branches adhere to appear at the crucial moment and difficulties when Party members and workers joyous events, the timely assistance, and strive to practice the care and concern of the party organization. Party branch secretary of the company was eagerly known as "red old lady uncle." At the same time, the formation of the "six teams", that is, members of the technology research team members, members of the production commandos, party members and marketing team, party members demonstration area, party members responsibility area, party members with the task force. The six forces sustained force, the company formed a healthy and rapid development of the core competitiveness.

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