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Changes in Printing Equipment Industry

share:Time: 2017-12-12 16:54:35     Copyfrom: Weinan printer,Weinan gravure press,Weinan compound machine,Weinan coater,Weinan cutting machine

The total global market for new printing equipment was $ 21.5 billion in 2016 and will reach $ 32.7 billion by 2020.

This modest growth, averaging 1.6% annually over five years, comes after a period of sharp decline as the recession and uncertainty took hold from the 2007 high of $ 19.3 billion.

With over 100 quantitative tables and figures of reseach highlighting sales and market trends, this report provides exclusive intelligence in the future of this progressive industry.Market growth will come from added value features on analogue machines and digital equipment, not from traditional lithographic, flexo or gravure printing presses. According to Smithers Pira, new presses are far more productive than previous generations, with automation and control systems simplifying the operation of the equipment. There are fewer compamies still trading, and it is usually possible to replace two or three older presses with a single new one.

Digital equipment, inkjet and electrophotography is becoming an increasingly important segment of the print equipment supply market, with the share growing significantly from 14.2% of all equipment in 2007 to 32.5% in 2017. The trend for many analogue equipment suppliers and prepress specialists to get into digital suggests that this trend will only accelerate in future.

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